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Welcome to Rabbi Michael Dushinsky's Website

On this site, you will find a collection of the Tora studies of Rabbi Dushinsky along with new and fascinating new videos that include the reading of the weekly portion in the Torah and the Haftara, special events and Cantorial concerts, lectures covering the Jewish festivals, and national memorial days  

Dvar Tora 

Was the ‘Slav’ (Num.11:31) a Species of Fish?


Published on :Hama`yan Tamuz 

Full article in Hebrew: Click Here


The “Slav” in parashat beha’alotcha which God brought flying in from the sea, and was gathered by the People of Israel, was not quail as generally accepted – but actually a type of fish!

Rav Michael Dushinsky heard this interpretation from his uncle, Rabbi Yerachmiel Ya’akov Duschinsky ZT”L (1916-1986), presiding Rabbi of South Africa’s rabbinical
court, who received his rabbinical ordination from Rav Akiva Sofer of the
“Yeshiva haRamah” of Pressburg. This interpretation emanates from Ma’or
Ha’aphelah (Nur al Çalaam [Enlightening the Darkness]), a Yemenite Midrashic
work, written in 1329 by Nethanel ben Isaiah. Rav Dushinsky bolsters this
interpretation with a number of weighty contentions, based on the Torah, the
Talmud, linguistic and historical considerations, etc. He demonstrates that this
interpretation solves many problems and we would be hard put to refute it.


A Beautiful tree

T"U BISHVAT - Dvar Tora from  Yerachmiel Yaakov Dushinsky 



Every Jew is like a tree of the field. He is rooted in the solid ground of his ancestors’ legacy, roots of soul and tradition, and turns his head upwards yearning higher and yet higher heavenward. Ancestors’ legacy and love of G-od are those that guarantee the life of man – the tree – within the people of Israel


Click to read the full article 

מיכאל דושינסקי

מיכאל דושינסקי

מיכאל דושינסקי
הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky תצפית העיר העתיקה ובית הכנסת הגדול

הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky תצפית העיר העתיקה ובית הכנסת הגדול

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הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky ממקומך ב״צ שנקר שר ר` אב״י טיילור

הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky ממקומך ב״צ שנקר שר ר` אב״י טיילור

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הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky לכבוד אירוסין־חינא איתי־יעקב + עדי

הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky לכבוד אירוסין־חינא איתי־יעקב + עדי

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הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky פִּתְחוּ לי מודז'יץ עם אב״י טיילור

הרב מיכאל דושינסקי פילזן 1.2025 טבת תשפ״ה Rabbi Michael Dushinsky פִּתְחוּ לי מודז'יץ עם אב״י טיילור

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